Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 4 - Finale!

Quiet morning - no morning session on Day 4!

This is the TV production control room, temporarily set up,
this is where the director calls the shots!

Grace with her new sneakers! SGD 20 only.
Good quality stuff.

Getting ready - 1 1/2 hour before final session!

14 May - There was no morning session today - but many sporting activities were being held. Taiwanese churches competed in sports like Track & Field, Table-Tennis, Basketball etc.

The Singapore mission team also competed with the Taiwanese team in basketball and soccer competitions. Though we were trashed in the basketball match (not sure the final score now), we won the soccer match with a nice score of 4:1. :)

Long queues once again. 2 -3 hrs before 6 pm. :)

Full attendance even at the last session. Praise God!

The night session began at 6 pm sharp to a full attendance.

Results of the competitions like Cheerleading, X-Box NBA Basketball challenge, Bible Verse Recital Challenge etc were announced. The winning youths were awarded with fabulous prizes such as SGD 300-500 SOGO vouchers, PSPs and even IBM Thinkpad laptop computers!

Jay Chou.

Jay with best friend Liu Geng Hong - sharing his life testimony,
encouraging the youths.

Jay Chou 周杰伦 came to sing for us and shared his life testimony of how having a dream and perseverance in life is important. Jay accepted Christ just 6 months ago! The crowd was greatly encouraged by his sincerity!

Next, Ps. Kong anchored the entire Emerge Taiwan youth conference with the message of "Blowing the Trumpet of God". Like what was preached in Singapore, he demonstrated how God continuously raised up youths to do His work - right of time from Moses to Jesus Christ to the Apostles, to the great Christian leaders such as John Wesley, evangelists like Billy Graham and finally how the Trumpet of God has now been passed to the Taiwanese youths (and the youths of this time and age)!!!

He also reminded the youths to stay commited in their present churches and to always learn the importance of submission to the discipleship of their pastors and leaders - even if they may not be as 'cool' as the youths hope they will be - because God honours those who obey their leaders.

Truly, we must not take for granted the Kairos moment which God has mandated us. Taiwanese youths were greatly challenged to ultimately bring the Gospel to the rest of the world - especially North East Asia.

The dazzling Finale was amazing - most importantly, there was a breakthough in the atmosphere as the church praised God through the songs like "Breakaway" etc. No longer in the realm of being conservative, the youths stepped out - raising their voices, waving their hands in hunger and thirst for more of God in their personal lives.

Truly, Emerge Taiwan 2007 has really been a life-changing experience for many youths in Taiwan. A spiritual re-fuelling station - many visions and dreams were birthed and given the boldness of God to pursue and press on!

The event has generated so much publicity that we were on the front page of three newspapers (including Apple Daily - one of Taiwan most read papers). The National TV even wanted to come and film us - but it was too last minute - so we requested them to come next year instead. All in all.. Glory to God!


TV ministry with Pastor Aries after the Finale!
Pastor personally came to say thanks for the hardwork! heh.

Eric with Kelly 陈凯利 - a New Life church TV ministry member.
He guide her to operate Cam 6 for a day - then she kept coming back to
learn more stuff! Very enthusiastic. Very S.H.E. Haha...
She is a full time S.O.T. (School of Theology) student in Taiwan.
S.O.T. first established in Taiwan this year!

TV ministry people with F.I.R :)

Eric with Suci - he directed most of the night sessions.
Steady guy.

Eric with Chin Kiat - a humble guy who has slogged with Ps. Kong
in the previous round- Taiwan mission.

This is the Taipei Arena aka 台北小巨蛋.
(diagonally opp. our hotel actually!)
We are aiming to hold the Emerge Taiwan 2009 here!

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