Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 2 - For the Marketplace!

12 May - Today we decided to have McDonald's breakfast.

While walking to the nearest McDonald's
we decided to pose in front of the Taiwan Egg Stadium!

Daphne and Grace enjoying their breakfast and a view of the street hawkers selling 小龙包.
5 buns only for SGD 1.50!
The Mac Meals are also a steal - approx SGD 3+!!!

More rehearsals.

Yes! Kirk (Eric's TV ministry friend) needs some warm-up and practice too!

Taiwanese tribual dance! Some of the younger performers are only 16 years old.

Building on Day One's message, Ps. Kong shared on the 7 pillars of the society - Family, Religion, Business, Government, Education, Arts and Media. Out of which the last 5 constitutes the Marketplace.

The churches in Taiwan began to understand how the Body of Christ must no longer shun away from these 5 pillars of the society. They are challenged to raise up and shine for God as salt and light in these social pillars.

Full attendance for Day 2 Morning 10 AM session

Most importantly, they began to see the importance of strong campus ministries - citing the examples of Tony Blair, George Bush, Beyonce, Elvis etc and how their overall belief systems are very much formed since their schooling days.

The challenge is therefore to bring Christ to the campuses of Taiwan - influencing today's students - who are the leaders of the world tomorrow.

Singapore and International popstar JJ Lin 林俊杰 was the special guest for tonight. Everyone was excited to hear him shared his testimony of how he became a Christian at a young age of 11.

When the night session ended, we went Tong Hwa Street for a nice bowl of Yi Mian and a bowl of meat ball soup! We also tried the dessert stall nearby! Nice!

At Tong Hwa Street!

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